David Gill is putting people over party

Democrats and Republicans make it nearly impossible for an Independent to get on the ballot in Illinois. Dr. Gill knocked on over 10,000 doors this spring to make that a reality.

After listening to voters' concerns, it's clear that everyday people understand that both major parties are funded by the same powerful institutions - Wall Street banks, health insurance companies, Big Oil, drug companies, and arms manufacturers. These shady dealings shouldn't dictate the priorities of our representatives. As an Independent, Dr. Gill looks forward to always putting PEOPLE first.

We live in the greatest country on earth, there's no reason we can't take care of working class people in our community. As a state representative, I will fight to ensure everyone gets a fair shake.

On The Issues

It's time we stand up for our ideals, it's time we take on the status quo


Dr. Gill will work to prevent losses like the closure of the Logan Correctional Center.


Dr. Gill believes that money spent on schools shouldn't be dependent upon a child's zip code.


Dr. Gill aims to reduce the cost of crop insurance for both farmers and taxpayers.


Dr. Gill has long advocated for a "Medicare for All" program and will take every opportunity to expand access to affordable healthcare for all Illinoisans.

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